75 years of Suisse-Atlantique, The words of Mr. Eric André
Published on 05/05/2016

75 years of Suisse-Atlantique, The words of Mr. Eric André
Seventy-five years on the high seas sailing, operating 88 vessels out of which 65 have been built by us and showing the Suisse-Atlantique flag around the world, what an accomplishment!
Our 1st vessel, the m/v St-Cergue, was built in 1937 and registered with Suisse-Atlantique in 1941. We have just received in April 2016 our last newbuilding, the m/v Bregaglia, and the new St-Cergue VII will join us in early 2017. This achievement would not have been possible without the good and tremendous execution of our officers, crew and office personnel. A great thank you to all of you.
Working in shipping with different is certainly a challenge with rewards and tears.
The performance, the quality and the costs control are the aim of working in a volatile market and, during the years, all these goals have been reached together.
After these 75 years, we can be proud of our national and company flags, especially coming from a country with no direct sea access and surrounded in by world trading companies in commodities.
To be mainly in bulk carriers during all these years, with a passage in the containers which was an excellent opportunity of diversification, has maintained us alive. We have been working with all sizes of ships carrying alot of different cargoes, with their negative and positive points, dealing with all kind of authorities around the world and more recently coping with heavy port state controls.
These tasks are our daily life, but are never twice the same, and are keeping us alive 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year.